several mockups of paid courses for your online business
pinnable image showing little covers for online courses for course creators and business owners

There are numerous  resources out there that help you get started with your Online Business and inspire you to create your first course.

On my blog, you will find that I often mention free stuff that has helped me and my Business to grow.

Nonetheless, In order to grow and scale your business fast and to avoid making many mistakes along the way, you sometimes need to invest in your business from the start.

Therefore, on this page you will find paid and free resources that I recommend you looking into.

Most of the products on this list have been tried by me, others are products that I can recommend with confidence because the entrepreneur and blogger communities that I am a part of, always rave about them! If you want to know my favorite tools that I use(d) almost daily for my business, read this.

It’s not enough to simply create a course and then to wait for your dream avatar to buy it.

You do need to focus on SEO (Both for Google and Pinterest), Email Marketing, Sales Strategies and so much more. I hope you will enjoy this list:

Online Course Creation

laptop mockup with top udemy instructor phil ebiner

Want to make thousands teaching online courses?

Interested in teaching courses on Udemy, Skillshare, or any other online course platform?

Want to teach courses on a self-hosted Platform like Teachable  ?(That’s the one I am using btw).

Join Bestselling Udemy instructor Phil Ebiner who has more than 2 Million Students on Udemy.


Done-for-you Instagram Templates

Gain access to my 150+ high converting done-for-you Instagram Templates that you can customize in Canva.

I have also added video tutorials to the course, so that you know exactly which simple steps to take to use Canva, a free graphic design tool.

Done-for-you Pinterest Templates

Some of us just don’t have designer skills to create high converting Pinterest Pins-others just don’t have the time.

Even though I love being creative and design most of my own Pins on Canva (click here to sign up for a free account), I often purchase done-for-you Templates, simply to offer a variety of styles (because different people have different taste’s) and to save time. 

Monetize your Pinterest Traffic

laptop and tablet mockups with pinterest and affiliate marketing courses

What’s the point of having amazing Pinterest Traffic to your Website, if you have absolutely no idea how to monetize it? You could make way more money than only advertising for your Online Courses, check out the course below to learn more.

My favorite Email Marketing Guru

If you have no clue how to write an email, how to grow your email list, how to make a sale with your emails, then this Email Marketing Subscription will blow your mind, It’s just ﹩9.99/month and a great investment to grow your audience. I am part of Liz’ community, I can really recommend her work and have learned a lot from her!

Hi I’m Anike

My passion is helping aspiring course creators meet their full potential by giving them back the most valuable asset they have- time! I can’t wait to support you in your business journey! So many Aspiring Creatives would like to create their first Online course and build a Profitable Online Business but they are scared to take the first step!

I founded Zebra Soul Art back in 2019 and realised that my creative courses allowed me to share my passion -and at the same time be location and time independent.

My mission is to share valuable and actionable steps with you so that you can feel empowered to start your own Business as well.

When are YOU going to start?

mockup with privacy policy template, disclamer template
pinnable image showing little covers for online courses for course creators and business owners
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mockup laptop tablet and mac air ebook bestseller
mockup of laptop showing pinteresting strategies
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