List of 10 Art Therapy Books that I recommend

Back in the days, when I was an art therapy student, my friends and I used to always be on the hunt for great art therapy books. Therefore, we would spend our time in the university library looking for art therapy books to study. Besides that, we would scroll through the internet and look for recommendations. As a result, I decided to make a little list of Art Therapy books that are useful. Be aware that the books are in no specific order and the recommendation represents my personal opinion.

The ” Handbook of Art Therapy” by Cathy Malchiodi is great if you want to learn more about the latest clinical applications, methods and research in Art therapy.

In other words, “The Handbook of Art Therapy” is a valuable tool if you are an Art therapy student or practitioner. Likewise, it’s a great book if you are simply interested in learning more about Art Therapy in a complex way.

Cathy A. Malchiodi is an internationally recognized expert on art therapy. Therefore it is definitely advisable to know her literature if you are planning to study art therapy or want to know more about the profession.

In “The Art Therapy Sourcebook” you will find a short and comprehensive introduction to art therapy, lots of engaging art therapy exercises. It’s a Must Read for aspiring art therapists.

250 Brief, Creative and Practical Art Therapy Techniques. -This book is a complex Guide for Clinicians and Clients by Susan Buchhalter. I highly recommend this book to anyone that is looking for a source for creative inspiration.

And with 250 creative art therapy techniques you will surely not get bored for a long time. I think the book is a great inspiration to get started.

Jungian Art Therapy

-If you are interested in Art Therapy and want to learn more about this great profession, then it is beneficial to study various of Carl Jungs Books about Art Therapy, symbols and analytical psychology.

The Book “Jungian Art Therapy” is written by Nora Swan- Foster and gives a great insight in the art therapy field and Jung’s ideologies.

Child Art Therapy.

Judith A Rubin is a very well known psychotherapist and art therapist and her books are recommendable to anyone that wants to learn more about the power of art therapy.

I have read various books of Rubin and think that her contribution to Art Therapy has been tremendous.

” The Wiley Handbook of Art Therpay “ by Wiley Blackwell, is one of the most comprehensive art therapy book in the field, exploring a wide range of themes. Definitely a must read if you are an art therapy student!

If you are new to the art therapy world and want to understand the profession better, ” Art heals- how creativity cures the soul” is a good read.

Shaun Mcniff covers the interpretation of imagery, liberating creativity and gives a lot of examples that will help you to understand how you can use art as therapeutic tool.


Ich habe das ” Lehrbuch der Kunst Therapie” von Regula Rickert, als Studentin gelesen und schlage bis heute noch gerne das eine oder andere nach.

Es ist extrem gut strukturiert und lehrreich. Daher kann ich es wärmstens empfehlen.

Der Aufbau ist wie folgt:

1 Kunsttherapie – eine Einführung
2 Was hat die Kunst mit Heilung zu tun
3 Farbe, Form und Material in der Kunsttherapie
4 Der vorsprachliche Entwicklungsraum
5 Das begleitende Gespräch
6 Leiberfahrung und plastisch-bildnerischer Ausdruck
7 Körperpsychotherapeutische Grundlagen
8 Systemische Grundlagen für eine erweiterte Kunsttherapie
9 Die psychoenergetische Basis in der Kunsttherapie


“Kunsttherapie für die Praxis” ist ein super umfangreiches Buch für Kunsttherapiestudenten oder Kreativtherapeuten.

Es enthält sehr anschauliche  Anleitungen, Anwendungsbeispiele und Fallbeispiele aus der Praxis.


Wenn man kein Kunsttherapiebuch sucht das spezifisch für Leute vom Fach geschrieben wurde (sprich sehr viel Fachjargon enthält usw.) dann ist “Selbsterfahrung durch Gestalten und Malen” super geeignet.

Es richtet sich an jeden, der lernen möchte wie er Kreativität und Heilsames Malen in seinen Alltag integrieren kann, um sich selbst etwas gutes zu tun.

Martin Schuster und Hildegard Ameln-Haffke haben meiner Meinung nach ein wunderschönes Werk geschaffen.

Not a fan of reading and want to learn by watching a video instead?

Then have a look at one of my online art courses, that show you step by step how you can make therapeutic art at home.,

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