Best Pinterest Strategy for 2022

Top 6 Tips for Marketing on Pinterest in 2022
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& The Best Pinterest Strategy for 2022​1.Create even MORE Fresh Pins.

Creating fresh pins is key for a solid Pinterest marketing strategy and they want content creators to serve the audience with fresh pins.

2.Create more Video Pins. ( do this to make the algorithm happy but keep creating static pins because they are clickable.

3. Implement stories. This is easy to do. You can use the Canva tool and create animated pins or use short videos, you are not limited in your creation!

4. Be Seasonal and add seasonal pins months ahead. This means, if you plan to create christmas content, you need to pin your christmas related topics on october or november and not start pinning a week before christmas.

5. Use Google Analytics regularly to check how your Pins and Boards are performing.

6. Use the Pinterest Trends Tool. The Pinterest Trends tool shows you how popular a search term is relative to other search terms on Pinterest. It will also show you how popular search terms were over the past year, so you’ll know when people are interested in and pinning specific topics.

Have you been hearing about how amazing Pinterest marketing can be for your website’s traffic but don’t have a clue where to start with it?

I know that Pinterest can be confusing when you are just getting started, which is why I created a step by step, easy to follow guide for beginners. (Please scroll to the center of the page if you are an advanced blogger and looking for a recommendation for an advanced Pinterest course)

My Pinterest Marketing Guide for Creatives was created for the busy Entrepreneur that is a Beginner at Pinterest and wants to drive more traffic to their website. It includes:

  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • 11 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion
    Please click here to go straight to my blog post where I lay out the details of my beginner course.
    My Pinterest Course is the Ultimate Pinterest Marketing Guide for Creatives and will teach you How to Get Free Traffic From Pinterest.

What's the best Pinterest Strategy in 2022 for the advanced Blogger?

the pinterest course that I am about to recommend to you is an ebook that is updated regularly, which is why it is super valuable! pinterest changes all the time, which is why it is crucial to have access to a course that is not static

The course that I am about to talk about is an in-depth Pinterest strategy course ,aimed at beginner to intermediate Pinterest bloggers. And the course aims to help you get massive traffic to your blog using Pinterest. I love it because it teaches how you can gain massive traffic to your website without the need for a scheduler like Tailwind. This is why I love the course so much and  highly recommend it to everyone .

The course is called Pinteresting Strategies by Carly Campbell* and updated regularly (which is why it’s a gold mine if you ask me).

Usually when looking for amazing pinterest strategies, they will all tell you that you NEED  a third party scheduler, but this course tells you exactly what to do manually, which will help you skyrocket your page views and gain more control over your pins!

The creator of the course, Carly explains how to use Pinterest in great detail. She shares a lot about how the Pinterest algorithm actually works. There are several videos where she shows you step-by-step how she does her own daily pinning. She is a very successful blogger, which is why it is very beneficial that she is sharing her behind the scenes and her tips and tricks with her audience. 

I trust Carly Campbell’s strategy and choose to follow her manual approach because she is sharing the exact same strategies that she used to grow her own blog to 200k page views per month.

Wondering what she covers in her course?

Getting started on the platform

How the Pinterest algorithm actually works

How to create pins that get clicks

SEO (search engine optimization) for Pinterest

and so much more

Why Should You Use Pinteresting Strategies by Carly Campbell Over Other Pinterest Courses?

The course is Extremely affordable at  $57 and let’s be honest, a lot of other Pinterest Courses out there charge way more. But Carly wants her course to be accessible to everyone, why she keeps her prices low. She could easily be charging way more because it is worth more, believe me! She is well known in the world of bloggers. You can check out her blog here.

Things always change on Pinterest. If you only rely on free strategies that you can find on Pinterest or Google, they might be outdated. For example, pinning third party pins used to be a thing and re-pinning to various boards was possible too, but now in 2022 it is advisable for content creators to create FRESH CONTENT and to mainly pin their own content.

Carly keeps Pinteresting Strategies* up to date and always shares huge changes and strategies with her audience. This is why I think this course is worth more than a lot of other static courses out there.

The course teaches you to grow your website traffic by pinning manually, but you are welcome to pair it with an automated scheduler like tailwind.

When it comes to pinning manually, I would say it’s the number one english speaking course that teaches you how to pin without having to depend on a third party scheduler. Nothing wrong with automated schedulers (a lot of people have huge success with them).

For me personally, manual pinning takes me less time than managing a fully automated pin queue (and updating, tweaking, etc). Tailwind always confused me and I find pinning manually a lot easier.

Looking for free templates to use for Pinterest? Click here


Below I will link some of the courses that you might find helpful to grow your online business.

Please note that I get small commissions for purchases made through affiliate links in this post.


INSTA CLUB HUB by Chalene and Brock Johnson



if you are looking for an affordable Pinterest course for beginners, targeted towards Creative Entrepreneurs, please have a look at my own Pinterest Marketing Guide for Creatives here.

pinnable image with text 6 tips for simple pinterest growth, by zebra soul art

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