five ways to practice self love

5 Ways you can Practice Self-Love in a creative way daily

5 Ways you can Practice Self-Love in a creative way daily

The quality of your life is equal to the quality of your relationships - and that includes, first and foremost, your relationship with yourself. Self-love, fundamentally affects the way you interact with the world. What you radiate to the world comes back to you (Law of Attraction). Often, when we don't truly love ourselves, we are incapable of loving others.
lotus flower

Are you ready to be more compassionate and kind towards yourself?

Here are 5 creative ways to practice self love daily

I decided to create this easy 5 steps motivational sheet for everyone who is creative and just needs some inspiration to practice more self love.

The quality of your life is equal to the quality of your relationships – and that includes, first and foremost, your relationship with yourself. Self-love, fundamentally affects the way you interact with the world. What you radiate to the world comes back to you (Law of Attraction).

Often, when we don’t truly love ourselves, we are incapable of loving others.

Before I share 5 Ways you can Practice Self-Love in a creative way  with you let’s define LOVE.

What is love? Oh this just made me think of the popular  song of the 1990s sung by Haddaway:

“Baby, don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me
No more
What is love?
No, I don’t know why you’re not fair
I give you my love, but you don’t care
So what is right and what is wrong?”
Hands up if you remember this song… But seriously, what is your definition of love and have you ever asked yourself why we tend to focus more on others than ourselves?
I found a quote by Aristotle who defined Love as such:

Okay , everyone will have their individual definition but I guess we can all agree that we all LIVE ONCE and that it’s about time to show ourselves some love.

So as I promised, here are 5 creative ways to practice self love daily, so lets go:

Step 1- Art Journaling

Pick a book that is laying around in your home or go to a shop and look for a beautiful book that you can use as an Art Journal. Make sure that the paper is a bit thicker to that you are flexibel in using any materials you’d like.

Start with a morning routine where you create in your ART journal before you begin your day. If I were you I would make sure that my room makes me feel comfortable: you can light up a candle, sit in a quiet place and draw, paint, doodle-do anything that helps you to get your creative juices flowing.

In your Art Journal, you can show daily gratitude, you can write down your talents, your wishes, your thoughts, dreams, feelings, there are no limits really! But instead of simply writing, you can add drawings, symbols, doodles or even paint, it’s totally up to you =)

I share specific ideas in my online course called Expressive Art Course- Your Journey to Self Love. You can click here to learn more about the amazing content.

Step 2- Showing Gratitude

I already mentioned gratitude in the step above, because you can show daily gratitude in form of your art journal. But you don’t have to!

Start with observing. Be in the present moment and notice things around you. Look how beautiful you are, your body is capable of doing so many things.

Look at nature and the amazing, unbelievable things that we find in nature. Think of your family and friends. The list ist endless..

The famous spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says:

“Acknowledging the good that is already in your life is the foundation for all abundance”. (Eckhart Tolle).

pink image with a quote by spiritual teacher eckhart tolle-power of now

Step 3- Compliment yourself

Most of us struggle with having inner dialogues that may be limiting our ability to believe in ourself and our own own abilities, and to reach our full potential. That’s why I want to motivate you to reprogram your mind and give yourself compliments EVERY DAY!

Some people are sparing with praise, and you might be one of them.

The first step is to become aware of your behaviour and the second step is to gradually start making yourself and others honest compliments. This is not a habit you can form over night.

Step 4- Positive Affirmations

Okay we have all heard this before, most bloggers will talk about the benefits of using positive affirmations. I am sure you have read multiple posts and saved a lot of images with daily affirmations, but are we actively using positive affirmations to change our mindset?

I suggest you implement this in a creative way!

Start a routine where you create art around affirmations: you can draw, paint, write down beautiful affirmations.

Take your time and also add mixed media to your drawing/ painting.

If you need some inspiration how to do this, you can have a look at my paid online course called Expressive Art Course- Your Journey to Self Love

You can click here to read about all the exciting exercises I have added to this course.

Step 5- See your Body as a Temple

This last step (as well as all other four) are all parts of exercises that I share in full in my Expressive Art Course- Your Journey to Self Love

Basically, the idea of this exercise is that all temples are sacred, holy places. Whether you are religious or not, you will probably have respect and some specific manners when walking into a temple.

Temples are a source of spiritual power and strength. They are a place of revelation.

So many of us treat our bodies as if they are replaceable, either with unhealthy eating, negative self talk, not exercising enough and so on (the list is endless).

I put this step as step 5 because it might be the most difficult.

Take your time and think about symbols that express how your body can be seen as a temple. First of us write down global definitions of temples and also write down what is sacred about your own body, mind and soul.

Then, make a drawing or painting around this topic =) If you have no clue how to get started, feel free to enrol in my self love course now !

Hey friend!

Great to have you on my page. I hope you enjoyed my “5 creative ways to practice self love”. My name is Anike and I am an Art Therapist and Creative Entrepreneur. I love traveling, pottery, cooking and also creating online courses.

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